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Archive of CBP Seminars

September 11, 2015, Friday, 1:30 P.M. Alexander Valishev, Fermilab Experimental Beam Physics Program at Fermilab’s FAST/IOTA
August 14, 2015, Friday, 10:45 A.M. Alexander Pirozhkov, JAEA Kansai High order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes
August 7, 2015, Wednesday, 10:00 A.M. Jeffrey McCallum, University of Melbourne Single photon emitting diode in silicon carbide
July 31, 2015, Friday, 2:00 P.M. Faya Wang, SLAC The Macroscopic Field Emission
July 1, 2015, Wednesday, 10:00 A.M. Tianhuan Luo, LBNL Vacuum RF Cavities for Muon Ionization Cooling
June 19, 2015, Tuesday, 10:30 A.M. Valeri Lebedev, FNAL PIP-II Technical Description
June 9, 2015, Tuesday, 10:00 A.M. Yawei Yang, China Design, Prototyping and Testing of SRF Deflecting Cavities for the Short-Pulse X-ray project in the Advanced Photon Source
June 5, 2015, Friday, 1:30 P.M. Alexander Zholents, ANL A collinear wakefield accelerator for a high repetition rate multi beamline soft x-ray FEL facility
May 15, 2015, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Marco Schippers, PSI Proton Therapy at PSI: Physics and Technology for Healthcare
May 11, 2015,Friday, 10:30 A.M. Fritz Caspers, CERN Microwave Sensors and Sensor Systems for Accelerators
April 29, 2015, Wednesday, 10:30 A.M. Serena Persichelli, CERN The beam coupling impedance model of the CERN Proton Synchtrotron
April 17, 2015, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Chukman So, UCB Antihydrogen experiment and plasma simulation in ALPHA
April 13, 2015, Monday, 02:00 P.M. Jan Meijer, Univeristy of Leipzig Status of the countable single ion implantation with high lateral resolution and a new method to screen suitable new color centers
April 10, 2015, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Robert Warnock, SLAC Observation and theory of wake fields and resonances in coherent synchrotron radiation
March 11, 2015, Wednesday, 10:00 A.M. Chad Mitchell, LBNL Advanced Beam Dynamics Modeling Tools for the Next Generation of X-Ray FEL Light Sources
March 06, 2015, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Chong Shik Park, Fermilab Beam Dynamics Simulation of the Third-Integer Resonant Extraction for the Fermilab Mu2e Experiment
February 06, 2015, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Mark Boland, University of Melbourne Australian Accelerator Science: Past, Present and Future
January 13, 2015, Tuesday, 02:00 P.M. Erini Koukovini, CERNL High Frequency Effects of Impedence and Coatings in the CLIC Damping Rings
December 03, 2014, Wednesday, 09:30 A.M. Marco Venturini, LBNL High-power FELs for EUV Lithography: A personal perspective
November 17, 2014, Monday, 02:30 P.M. Joseph Calvey, Cornell Univ Collective Effects at CESR-TA
November 12, 2014, Wednesday, 02:00 P.M. Tianhuan Luo, LBNL Solving the Electromagnetic Field in Accelerator Components with ACE3P
November 11, 2014, Tuesday, 09:30 A.M. Alexei Blednykh, BNL First Collective Effects and Impedance Measurements in NSLS-II
October 24, 2014, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Carl Schroeder, LBNL Applications of Laser-Plasma Accelerators: Opportunities and Challenges
September 25, 2014, Friday, 10:00 A.M. Rémi Lehe, Ecole Polytechnique Simulating the transverse dynamics of electrons in a laser-wakefield accelerator
September 05, 2014, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Bob Palmer,BNL Accelerator and optimization issues for a 100 TeV pp collider
August 18, 2014, Friday, 11:00 A.M. Luigi Palumbo, Univ. of Rome, Italy ELI: new frontiers of particle acceleration and radiation sources
August 18, 2014, Friday, 2:00 P.M. Qingjin Xu, IHEP,Beijing,PRC R&D plan of high field accelerator magnet technology for SppC
July 18, 2014, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Z. Insepov, Nazarbayev and Purdue Universities Multi-scale modeling and simulation of radiation defects in nuclear materials and of Warm Dense Matter
July 11, 2014, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Trey Holik, Angelo State U., Texas Design and Construction Challenges in TAMU3;a Stress-Managed 14 T Nb3Sn Block Dipole
June 6, 2014, Friday, 10:00 A.M. R. Ryne, LBNL A New Method for 3D Synchrotron Radiation Modeling
June 2, 2014, Monday, 2:00 P.M. Y. K. Wu, Duke University FEL Beam Polarization Control with a Storage Ring FEL
May 21, 2014, Wednesday, 9:00 A.M. Peter McIntyre, Texas A&M University 100 TeV Hadron Collider for a New World Laboratory
May 5, 2014, Monday, 02:00 P.M. You Yan, Tsinghua U A study of optical enhancement cavity with short pulse lasers for laser electron beam interaction
April 2, 2014, Wednesday, 11:00 A.M. Fernando Perez,UC Berkeley IPython: from interactive computing to computational narratives
March 20, 2014, Thursday, 1:00 P.M. Avi Gover, Tel Aviv Univ. Noise and Order in Electronic Beams and Radiation -- The Spectral Limits
March 10, 2014, Monday, 1:00 P.M. Daniela Leitner, MSU Operations of the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at MSU
February 26, 2014, Wednesday, 1:00 P.M. Erik Wallén, MAX IV Lab and Lund University Novel Magnet Production Technique Used For An Elliptically Polarizing Undulator
February 21, 2014, Friday, 1:00 P.M. Matthaeus Leitner, NSCL, Michigan State Unv The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) Superconducting RF Linac Design
February 21, 2014, Friday, 10:00 A.M. Omar Hurricane,LLNL The high-foot implosion campaign on the National Ignition Facility
February 14, 2014, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Alice Koniges, LBNL Multimaterial Multiphysics Modeling of Complex Experimental Configurations
January 31, 2014, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Hamed Tarawneh, LBNL Exploring the Potential of a Soft X-ray Diffraction-Limited Upgrade of the ALS
December 20, 2013, Friday, 09:30 A.M. Chungchun Sun, ALS/LBNL Pseudo-Single-Bunch with Adjustable Frequency: a New Operation Mode for Synchrotron Light Sources
December 16,2013, Monday, 10:30 A.M. Jonathan Wurtele, UCB/LBNL The Role of Physics in Urban Science
December 13, 2013, Friday, 2:00 P.M. Liu Lin, Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory Sirius, a New Low Emittance Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source
December 11, 2013, Wednesday, 3:00 P.M. J.Q. Wang BAPS, CAS, IHEP, Beijing PRC BAPS Accelerator and its related R&D
December 10, 2013, Tuesday, 09:00 A.M. Prof. Carlo Requiao, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil The Aerogel and its Potential Use in Cryogenics
December 6, 2013, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Wenlong Zhan, CAS, Vice President Research on Nuclear Physics and Materials at CAS
December 6, 2013, Friday, 11:15 A.M. Lei Yang, CAS New concepts for Accelerator Driven Subcritical reactor (ADS) core and spallation target
December 2,2013, Monday, 2:00 P.M. Kwang-Je Kim, ANL/APS Variations on a Theme of Madey’s Theorem
November 20, 2013, Wednesday, 11:00 A.M. Claudio Pellegrini, UCLA/SLAC Galileo as a Critic of the Arts: Aesthetic Attitude and Scientific Thought
October 31, 2013, Thursday, 10:30 A.M. David Whittum Electron Linacs for Oncology
October 22, 2013, Tuesday, 2:00 P.M. Jin-Soo Kim, FAR-TECH, Inc. Accelerator Research at FAR-TECH, Inc. - Rapidly Tunable RF Cavity, Novel Linear Accelerator Structure, Cavity-Based Beam Monitors and Solid State Amplifier
October 8, 2013, Tuesday, 2:00 P.M. Tom Shea, EES European Spallation Source Status and Recent Design Updates
September 4, 2013, Wednesday, 2:00 P.M. Eleonore Roussel, Lille 1 University Spatio-temporal instabilities in relativistic electron bunches Movie 1 file wf One AVI file 2nd no wf 2nd AVI file
September 3, 2013, Tuesday, 11:00 A.M. Joachim Pflueger, European X-FEL Status of the XFEL Undulator Systems 2nd native Powerpoint file Powerpoint file
September 3, 2013, Tuesday, 1:30 P.M. S. Webb, Tech-X Nonlinear Integrable Optics
July 30, 2013, Tuesday, 4:00 P.M., Building 15, room 300 K. Poorrezaei, Univ. Maryland New Technique to Measure the Emittance of Bemas with Space Charge
July 22, 2013, Monday, 1:00 P.M. Vitaly Vysotsky, VNIIKP & ITER - Russia Superconducting Cables R&D at VNIIKP
July 12, 2013, Friday,10:30 A.M. Xiuguang Jin, Nagoya U. High performance spin-polarized photocathodes using GaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated super-lattice
June 7, 2013, Monday,10:30 A.M. H.S. Bosch, Max-Planck Institute and Kem Robinson, LBNL Wendelstein 7-X, Status of Construction and Prospects
June 3, 2013, Monday, 2:30 P.M. Ganapati Rao Myneni Pyrochlore Ingot Niobium SRF Technology for Next Generation Continuous Wave Accelerators part 1 and and part 2 - Powerpoint format. One file One PDF file
May 23, 2013, Thursday, 10:30 A.M. Vladimir Shiltsev, FNAL ASTA: A Modern Accelerator R&D Users Facility for HEP
April 26, 2013, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Michael Hahn, ESRF NEG coating and upgrade plans for the vacuum system of the source at the European Synchrotron Facility ESRF
April 5, 2013, Friday, 12:30 A.M. Bldg 67-3111 Bradley J. Siwick, McGill University, Canada Radio-Frequency Compressed Ultrafast Electron Diffraction: Structural Dynamics in Vanadium Dioxide and Graphite
March 29, 2013, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Joe Calvey Cornell Univ. and LBNL Studies of Electron Cloud Growth and Mitigation at CESR-TA
February 14, 2013, Thursday, 11:00 A.M. Javier Barranco Garcia, CERN Beam Dynamics Simulations in Crab Crossing Scenarios in LHC and CLIC
February 13, 2013, Wednesday, 11:00 A.M. Tim Maxwell, SLAC Single-shot prism spectrometer for absolute bunch length monitoring at the LCLS
January 31, 2013, Thursday, 11:00 A.M. J. Minervini, MIT Research on Superconductor Applications at the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center for Energy, Medical, and Security Systems
January 30, 2013, Wednesday, 2:00 p.M. Bruce Carlsten, LANL Update on Los Alamos’ MaRIE X-ray Free-Electron Laser Project
December 13, 2012, Thursday, 9:30 A.M. Steve Lund, LLNL Selected Topics in Space-Charge Effects in Intense Beams
December 7, 2012, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Jacek Sekutowicz, DESY, Hamburg, Germany Feasibility of a duty factor upgrade for XFEL
December 6, 2012, Thursday, 2:00 P.M. Fröhlich, Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. Machine Protection for FLASH and FERMI@Elettra
November 29, 2012, Thursday, 9:30 A.M. Mikhail Dorf, LLNL Modeling of Intense Ion Beam Transport and Focusing for High Energy Density Physics Applications
November 27, 2012, Tuesday, 10:00 A.M. Daniele Sertore, INFN, LBNL High Quantum Efficiency Photocathodes at INFN Milano - LASA 
November 16, 2012, Friday, 02:00 P.M. C. Papadopoulos, LBNL Beam dynamics considerations for a high repetition rate photoinjector  
November 9, 2012, Friday, 11:00 A.M. C. Pellegrini, SLAC/UCLA X-ray FEL spectrum and peak power control with iSASE
November 2, 2012, Friday, 10:30 A.M. Hamed Tarawneh, LBNL Status of the SESAME Synchrotron Light Source
October 19, 2012, Wednesday, 10:30 A.M. Eun-San Kim, Kyungpook National University The South Korean Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP): Facility Overview and Design.
October 3, 2012, Wednesday, 2:00 P.M. Ian Pong, ITER From Nb, Ti & Sn to NbTi and Ti-doped Nb3Sn; from raw material to full-size conductors
October 2, 2012, Tuesday, 10:30 A.M. Tim Antaya, Ionetix Corporation Superconducting magnet needs for cutting edge medical and security applications
September 21, 2012, Friday, 2:00 PM William Barletta, USPAS The Challenges of a Storage Ring-based Higgs Factory
August 27, 2012, Monday, 10:30 AM Edward Startsev, PPPL Numerical and analytical studies of matched kinetic quasi-equilibrium solutions for an intense charged particle beam propagating through a periodic focusing quadrupole lattice
August 27, 2012, Monday, 2:00 PM Hesheng Chen (IHEP) Prospect of Particle Physics Experiments in China
August 10, 2012, Friday, 10:30 AM Thomas Schenkel, LBNL Exploration of quantum computer architectures with donor spin qubits in silicon
August 9, 2012, Thursday, 2:00 PM Hiromi Okamoto, Hiroshima University Plasma Trap Simulations of Beam Propagation over Long Paths and movie file  and the pdf version
August 3, 2012, Friday, 10:30 AM M. Galonska, Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center (HIT) The HIT accelerator – A beam delivery system for radiotherapy
July 30, 2012, Thursday, 1:00 PM V.Danilov, ORNL Integrable Systems for Accelerators
July 12, 2012, Thursday, 10:30 AM Jayakar (Charles) Thangaraj, FNAL Experimental studies on an emittance exchange beamline at the A0 photoinjector
June 16, 2012, Friday, 10:30 AM Gerardo D'Auria, ELETTRA, Italy The development and testing of the X-Band linearizer System for FERMI@ELETTRA
May 31, 2012, Thursday, 10:30 AM Chuan Zhang, Goethe-University, Frankfurt Development of RFQ Accelerators for Modern Scientific and Applied Research
April 23, 2012, Monday, 2:00 PM Avi Gover, Tel Aviv University First Demonstration of Optical Frequency Shot-Noise Suppression in Relativistic Electron-beams
April 20, 2012, Friday, 2:00 PM Gabriel Marcus, UCLA Coherence from SASE: Investigation of Longitudinal Pulse Shaping at SPARC
April 17, 2012, Tuesday, 2:00 PM Simone Di Mitri, Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy Update on FERMI@Elettra Commissioning and Initial Operation part 1 and and part 2 - pdf format
April 04, 2012, Wednesday, 2:00 PM Ralph Fiorito, University of Maryland Optical Beam Diagnostics
March 19, 2012, Monday, 2:00 PM Yipeng Sun, SLAC General bunch compressor design and X-band FELs
March 16, 2012, Friday, 1:00 PM Nathaniel Fisch, Princeton, PPPL Unusual Wave Compression Effects in Plasma
February 24, 2012, Friday, 2:00 PM Changchun Sun, LBNL Applications of genetic-algorithm  optimization at ALS and diagnostics of electron beams using Compton scattering techniques
February 10, 2012, Friday, 2:00 PM Agostino Marinelli, UCLA Kinetic models and advanced diagnostic techniques for the space-charge induced microbunching instability
November 18, 2011, Friday, 10:30 AM Francesco Villa Short-pulse high-gradient acceleration: Revisiting old ideas and old experimental data
October 25, 2011, Friday, 10:30 AM Philippe Piot, Fermilab & Northern Illinois University The Accelerator-Science Test Accelerator (ASTA) facility at Fermilab: plans and opportunities
October 21, 2011, Friday, 10:30 AM Laszlo Veisz, Max Planck Institute, Germany Few-cycle laser development and advanced control and characterization of laser-driven electron acceleration
September 1, 2011, Thursday, 1:30 AM Doan Nguyen, Los Alamos National Laboratory Understanding and Minimizing AC Losses in HTS conductors and devices.
August 31, 2011, Wednesday, 1:30 AM Fulvio Parmigiani, Univ of Trieste First results on the photon beam properties of the seeded FERMI@Elettra FEL1(also pdf format)
August 29, 2011, Monday, 1:30 AM Arno Godeke, LBNL State-of-the-Art Superconductors and Very High Field Magnets, Slides are available upon request by contacting .
August 05, 2011, Friday, 10:30 AM Chad Mitchell, NRL Topics in Simulating Next-Generation Light Sources: Maps and Injectors
July 08, 2011, Friday, 10:30 AM Merit Klein, KIT Production of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation at ANKA Using Low-momentum-compaction Lattices
June 28, 2011, Tuesday, 10:30 AM John Cesaratto, NCU An ECR Ion Source and Accelerator for Nuclear Astrophysics Studies
June 27, 2011, Monday, 10:00 AM Marwan Rihaoui, NIU Phase Space Manipulation in High-Brightness Electron Beams
June 17, 2011, Friday, 10:30 AM Yichao Jing, Indiana University Design of an ultimate Storage ring with 10 pm emittance
June 10, 2011, Friday, 10:30 AM Chuckman So, UCB Graduate Student Trapping antihydrogen in ALPHA and simulating how it works
May 27, 2011, Friday, 10:30 AM Sven Reiche, PSI Optimization of Compact X-ray Free-electron Lasers
May 25, 2011, Wednesday, 2:00 AM Dr. Tianhuan Luo, Indiana University The Indiana University ALPHA Project
May 25, 2011, Wednesday, 10:30 Dr. Bruce Carlsten, LANL Emittance Oscillations in Long-Pulse Induction Linacs
May 19, 2011, Thuresday, 10:30 Dr. Steve Holmes, FNAL Project X Status and Strategy
May 13, 2011, Friday, 10:30 Dr. Timothy Koeth, U. of Maryland Longitudinal Relaxation of a Space Charge Dominated Bunchin the University of Maryland Electron Ring
May 11, 2011, Wednesday, 10:30 Dr. Zhirong Huang, SLAC Controlling electron beams on the femtosecond scale for x-ray FELs
May 5, 2011 Dr. Winfried Decking, DESY Accelerator Challenges at the European XFEL
May 2, 2011 Dr. Paul Emma, SLAC The Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS): Accelerator Physics Challenges of Free-Electron Lasers
April 7, 2011 Dr. James Murphy, BNL Expanding the Free Electron Laser Frontier Beyond SASE to Full Coherence with Laser Seeding
March 25, 2011 Dr. David Robin, AFRD, ALS Novel Design of Gantry Optics for Carbon Cancer Therapy Accelerator
March 09, 2011 Dr. Andreas Adelmann, PSI, Switzerland Precise Beam Dynamics Simulations: from High Power Cyclotron to XFEL Modeling
February 4, 2011 Dr. Karoly Osvay, University of Szeged, Hungary ELI Attosecond Pulse Light Source - Joint LOASIS/CBP Seminar
January 21, 2011 Dr. Andre Anders, Plasma Applications Group, LBNL Energetic deposition of niobium films for superconducting RF cavities using high power impulse magnetron sputtering. Slides are available upon request by contacting
December 7, 2010 Dr. Sergei Nagaitsev, FNAL Nonlinear Optics as a Path to High-Intensity Circular Machines (also pdf format)
October 25, 2010 Dr.Simon White, Univ. of Paris, SUD, CERN Luminosity optimization and calibration at the LHC (also pdf format)
October 15, 2010 Dr. Robert Warnock, SLAC, LBNL Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR) in Whispering Gallery Modes: Theory and Evidence
October 14, 2010 DR. Martin P. Stockli, ORNL Low-Energy Beam Transport Systems for Small-Emittance, High-Current H- Beams
September 24, 2010 Dr. Daniel M. Kaplan, IIT New Experiments with Antiprotons
September 14, 2010 Dr. Pavel Snopok, UCR Recent Progress on Cooling Simulations for the Muon Colider, Neutrino Factory and MICE
June 30, 2010 Professor John Verboncoeur, UCB Modeling Dielectric Insulator Breakdown
June 28, 2010 Dr. Themistoklis Mastoridis, AARD SLAC Low Level Radio Frequency - Beam Dynamics Interaction in Circular Accelerators
June 23, 2010 Dr. Angela Kou, Harvard University Measurements of dynamic nuclear polarization in a quantum  point contact /td>
May 18, 2010 Dr. Gennady Shvets, University of Texas Blowing Bubbles: Injecting Plasma Electrons into a Laser Wakefield Accelerator
May 14, 2010 Dr. Daniel Bowring, University of Virgina Multilayer Thin Films for SRF Accelerating Cavities
April 30, 2010 Dr. Norbert Holtkamp, ITER, Pincipal Deputy Director General Overview on the ITER Project
April 23, 2010 Dr. W. Barletta, MIT/LBNL DAEdALUS, Measuring CP-violation with High Power Beams
April 22, 2010 Dr. Ilya Dodin, Princeton University Another look on Hamiltonian ponderomotive forces
April 9, 2010 Dr. Zhijun Chen, ANL Optimizing the Critical Current Density ofYBCO
April 7, 2010 Dr. Erik Hemsing, UCLA Generation of light with Orbital Angular Momentum in Free-Electron Lasers
April 5, 2010 Dr. Dazhang Huang, IIT Study of wake field and collective effects induced by charged particle beams traversing a medium
March 24, 2010 Mikhail Dorf, PPPL Numerical Modeling of Intense Ion Beam Transport and Focusing
March 16, 2010 Arno Godeke LBNL Materials Science in Applications of Superconductors
March 12, 2010 Michael Litos, Boston University Looking for double proton decay at Super-Kamiokande...because single decay is just too easy!
March 16, 2010 Arno Godeke, LBNL Materials Science in Applications of Superconductors
February 16, 2010 Daniele Filippetto, LNF, Frascati) A high-brightness electron beam source: the SPARC R and D project
February 5, 2010 Richard R. Smith Experimental and Computational Improvements to Accelerator Diagnostics
February 2, 2010 Steven J. Russell (LANL) Electron Beam Experiments in the High Power Electrodynamics Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory
January 29, 2010 Steve Lidia, LBNL Manipulating ion beams for high energy density physics studies